Selasa, 10 November 2009

Weekin Rewind - DVD Contest

Do you movie lover? Sometime we have no money to buy movie or go to cinemas. The decision comes by buying a piracy DVD or download via internet. However, all the reason, it's not good and for some country, it's illegal.

So, how can you do?
- Save money for buying movie
- Wait untul the movie played on TV Channel
- Looking for free DVD

For last point, i know the place which give you chance to win a lot of DVD title. And of course it's original. It's called weekinrewind blog. On there, you'll get many info about movie, complete with review, trailer, and publishing date.

There is many giveaway such macbook air, ps3 slim, iPhone, etc....But don't forget our intention, there is DVD Giveaway too...!!!! Interesting, because it's easy to participate. Just tweet message and then leave comment regarding your participation. Join on all DVD title giveaway, to make your chance bigger. Any tweet is countes as entry. Just don't spam or your follower will leave u. That's my advice.

Ok, wanna participate now? This is their DVD Giveaway Contest Page : Weekin Rewind DVD Giveaway

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